Source code for bcl.bcl

Python library that provides a simple interface for symmetric (*i.e.*,
secret-key) and asymmetric (*i.e.*, public-key) encryption/decryption

This library exports a number of classes (derived from :obj:`bytes`) for
representing keys, nonces, plaintexts, and ciphertexts. It also exports
two classes :obj:`symmetric` and :obj:`asymmetric` that have only static
methods (for key generation and encryption/decryption).
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Optional, Union
import doctest
import os
import base64

    # Import shared/dynamic library (libsodium subset).
    from bcl import _sodium # pylint: disable=cyclic-import
except: # pylint: disable=bare-except # pragma: no cover
    # Support for direct invocation in order to execute doctests.
    import _sodium

crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES = _sodium.lib.crypto_secretbox_keybytes()
crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES = _sodium.lib.crypto_secretbox_noncebytes()
crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES = _sodium.lib.crypto_secretbox_zerobytes()
crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES = _sodium.lib.crypto_secretbox_boxzerobytes()
crypto_secretbox_MESSAGEBYTES_MAX = _sodium.lib.crypto_secretbox_messagebytes_max()
crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES = _sodium.lib.crypto_box_publickeybytes()
crypto_box_SEALBYTES = _sodium.lib.crypto_box_sealbytes()

[docs]class raw(bytes): """ Wrapper class for a raw bytes-like object that represents a key, nonce, plaintext, or ciphertext. The derived classes :obj:`secret`, :obj:`public`, :obj:`nonce`, :obj:`plain`, and :obj:`cipher` all inherit the methods defined in this class. >>> s = secret.from_base64('1P3mjNnadofjTUkzTmipYl+xdo9z/EaGLbWcJ8MAPBQ=') >>> s.hex() 'd4fde68cd9da7687e34d49334e68a9625fb1768f73fc46862db59c27c3003c14' >>> n = nonce.from_base64('JVN9IKBLZi3lEq/eDgkV+y6n4v7x2edI') >>> c = symmetric.encrypt(s, 'abc'.encode(), n) >>> c.to_base64() 'JVN9IKBLZi3lEq/eDgkV+y6n4v7x2edI9dvFXD+om1dHB6UUCt1y4BqrBw==' """
[docs] @classmethod def from_base64(cls, s: str) -> raw: """ Convert Base64 UTF-8 string representation of a raw value. """ return bytes.__new__(cls, base64.standard_b64decode(s))
[docs] def to_base64(self: raw) -> str: """ Convert to equivalent Base64 UTF-8 string representation. """ return base64.standard_b64encode(self).decode('utf-8')
[docs]class nonce(raw): """ Wrapper class for a bytes-like object that represents a nonce. >>> n = nonce() >>> n = nonce(bytes(n)) >>> isinstance(n, nonce) and isinstance(n, bytes) True While the constructor works like the constructor for bytes-like objects in also accepting an integer argument, an instance can only have the exact length permitted for a nonce. >>> nonce(nonce.length).hex() '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' The constructor for this class checks that the supplied bytes-like object or integer argument satisfy the conditions for a valid nonce. >>> nonce('abc') Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: nonce constructor argument must be a bytes-like object or an integer >>> try: ... nonce(bytes([1, 2, 3])) ... except ValueError as e: ... str(e) == 'nonce must have exactly ' + str(nonce.length) + ' bytes' True >>> try: ... nonce(123) ... except ValueError as e: ... str(e) == 'nonce must have exactly ' + str(nonce.length) + ' bytes' True """ length: int = crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES """Length (in number of bytes) of nonce instances."""
[docs] def __new__(cls, argument: Optional[Union[bytes, bytearray, int]] = None) -> nonce: """ Create a nonce object. """ if argument is None: return bytes.__new__(cls, os.urandom(crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES)) if isinstance(argument, (bytes, bytearray)): if len(argument) != crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES: raise ValueError( 'nonce must have exactly ' + str(crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES) + ' bytes' ) return bytes.__new__(cls, argument) if isinstance(argument, int): if argument != crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES: raise ValueError( 'nonce must have exactly ' + str(crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES) + ' bytes' ) return bytes.__new__(cls, argument) raise TypeError( 'nonce constructor argument must be a bytes-like ' + 'object or an integer' )
[docs]class key(raw): """ Wrapper class for a bytes-like object that represents a key. The derived classes :obj:`secret` and :obj:`public` inherit the methods defined in this class. Any :obj:`key` objects (including instances of classes derived from :obj:`key`) have a few features and behaviors that distinguish them from bytes-like objects. * Comparison of keys (using the built-in ``==`` and ``!=`` operators via the :obj:`__eq__` and :obj:`__ne__` methods) is performed in constant time. * Keys of different types are not equivalent even if their binary representation is identical. >>> b = 'd6vGTIjbxZyMolCW+/p1QFF5hjsYC5Q4x07s+RIMKK8=' >>> secret.from_base64(b) == public.from_base64(b) False >>> secret.from_base64(b) != public.from_base64(b) True * Consistent with the above property, keys having different classes are distinct when used as keys or items within containers. >>> b = 'd6vGTIjbxZyMolCW+/p1QFF5hjsYC5Q4x07s+RIMKK8=' >>> len({secret.from_base64(b), public.from_base64(b)}) 2 """ def __hash__(self: key) -> int: """ Return hash of this key object that takes into account the subclass of the object. >>> len({key(bytes([0])), key(bytes([1]))}) 2 """ return hash((bytes(self), type(self)))
[docs] def __eq__(self: key, other: key) -> bool: """ Compare two keys (including their subclass). The portion of the method that compares byte values runs in constant time. >>> key(bytes([0] * 32)) == key(bytes([1] * 32)) False >>> key(bytes([1] * 32)) == key(bytes([1] * 32)) True >>> secret(bytes([0] * 32)) == public(bytes([0] * 32)) False """ # Keys of different derived classes are not equal # because they serve different roles. if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False (k_0, k_1) = (bytes(self), bytes(other)) length = max(len(k_0), len(k_1)) k_0_buffer ='char []', length) k_1_buffer ='char []', length) _sodium.ffi.memmove(k_0_buffer, k_0, len(k_0)) _sodium.ffi.memmove(k_1_buffer, k_1, len(k_1)) return ( len(k_0) == len(k_1) and _sodium.lib.sodium_memcmp(k_0_buffer, k_1_buffer, length) == 0 )
[docs] def __ne__(self: key, other: key) -> bool: """ Compare two keys (including their subclass). The portion of the method that compares byte values runs in constant time. >>> key(bytes([0] * 32)) != key(bytes([1] * 32)) True >>> key(bytes([1] * 32)) != key(bytes([1] * 32)) False >>> secret(bytes([0] * 32)) != public(bytes([0] * 32)) True """ return not self == other
[docs]class secret(key): """ Wrapper class for a bytes-like object that represents a secret key. The constructor for this class can be used to generate an instance of a secret key or to convert a bytes-like object into a secret key. >>> s = secret() >>> s = secret(bytes(s)) >>> isinstance(s, secret) and isinstance(s, key)and isinstance(s, bytes) True While the constructor works like the constructor for bytes-like objects in also accepting an integer argument, an instance can only have the exact length permitted for a secret key. >>> secret(secret.length).hex() '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' The constructor for this class checks that the supplied bytes-like object or integer argument satisfy the conditions for a valid secret key. >>> secret('abc') Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: secret key constructor argument must be a bytes-like object or an integer >>> try: ... secret(bytes([1, 2, 3])) ... except ValueError as e: ... str(e) == 'secret key must have exactly ' + str(secret.length) + ' bytes' True >>> try: ... secret(123) ... except ValueError as e: ... str(e) == 'secret key must have exactly ' + str(secret.length) + ' bytes' True The methods :obj:`symmetric.encrypt`, :obj:`symmetric.decrypt`, and :obj:`asymmetric.decrypt` only accept key parameters that are objects of this class. """ length: int = crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES """Length (in number of bytes) of secret key instances."""
[docs] def __new__(cls, argument: Optional[Union[bytes, bytearray, int]] = None) -> secret: """ Create a secret key object. """ if argument is None: return bytes.__new__(cls, secret(os.urandom(crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES))) if isinstance(argument, (bytes, bytearray)): if len(argument) != crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES: raise ValueError( 'secret key must have exactly ' + str(crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES) + ' bytes' ) return bytes.__new__(cls, argument) if isinstance(argument, int): if argument != crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES: raise ValueError( 'secret key must have exactly ' + str(crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES) + ' bytes' ) return bytes.__new__(cls, argument) raise TypeError( 'secret key constructor argument must be a bytes-like ' + 'object or an integer' )
[docs]class public(key): """ Wrapper class for a bytes-like object that represents a public key. The constructor for this class can be used to generate an instance of a public key or to convert a bytes-like object into a public key. >>> p = public() >>> p = public(bytes(p)) >>> isinstance(p, public) and isinstance(p, key)and isinstance(p, bytes) True While the constructor works like the constructor for bytes-like objects in also accepting an integer argument, an instance can only have the exact length permitted for a public key. >>> public(public.length).hex() '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' The constructor for this class checks that the supplied bytes-like object or integer argument satisfy the conditions for a valid public key. >>> public('abc') Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: public key constructor argument must be a bytes-like object or an integer >>> try: ... public(bytes([1, 2, 3])) ... except ValueError as e: ... length = crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES ... str(e) == 'public key must have exactly ' + str(length) + ' bytes' True >>> try: ... public(123) ... except ValueError as e: ... length = crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES ... str(e) == 'public key must have exactly ' + str(length) + ' bytes' True The method :obj:`asymmetric.encrypt` only accepts key parameters that are objects of this class. """ length: int = crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES """Length (in number of bytes) of public key instances."""
[docs] def __new__(cls, argument: Optional[Union[bytes, bytearray, int]] = None) -> public: """ Create a public key object. """ if argument is None: return bytes.__new__(cls, secret(os.urandom(crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES))) if isinstance(argument, (bytes, bytearray)): if len(argument) != crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES: raise ValueError( 'public key must have exactly ' + str(crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES) + ' bytes' ) return bytes.__new__(cls, argument) if isinstance(argument, int): if argument != crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES: raise ValueError( 'public key must have exactly ' + str(crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES) + ' bytes' ) return bytes.__new__(cls, argument) raise TypeError( 'public key constructor argument must be a bytes-like ' + 'object or an integer' )
[docs]class plain(raw): """ Wrapper class for a bytes-like object that represents a plaintext. >>> x = plain(os.urandom(1024)) >>> x == plain.from_base64(x.to_base64()) True The methods :obj:`symmetric.decrypt` and :obj:`asymmetric.decrypt` return objects of this class. """
[docs]class cipher(raw): """ Wrapper class for a bytes-like object that represents a ciphertext. >>> c = cipher(os.urandom(1024)) >>> c == cipher.from_base64(c.to_base64()) True The methods :obj:`symmetric.encrypt` and :obj:`asymmetric.encrypt` return objects of this class, and the methods :obj:`symmetric.decrypt` and :obj:`asymmetric.decrypt` can only be applied to objects of this class. """
[docs]class symmetric: """ Symmetric (*i.e.*, secret-key) encryption/decryption primitives. This class encapsulates only static methods and should not be instantiated. >>> x = 'abc'.encode() >>> s = symmetric.secret() >>> isinstance(s, key) and isinstance(s, secret) True >>> s == secret.from_base64(s.to_base64()) True >>> c = symmetric.encrypt(s, x) >>> isinstance(c, raw) and isinstance(c, cipher) True >>> c == cipher.from_base64(c.to_base64()) True >>> symmetric.decrypt(s, c) == x True >>> isinstance(symmetric.decrypt(s, c), plain) True Encryption is non-deterministic if no :obj:`nonce` parameter is supplied. >>> symmetric.encrypt(s, x) == symmetric.encrypt(s, x) False Deterministic encryption is possible by supplying a :obj:`nonce` parameter. >>> n = nonce() >>> symmetric.encrypt(s, x, n) == symmetric.encrypt(s, x, n) True """
[docs] @staticmethod def secret() -> secret: """ Generate a :obj:`secret` key. """ return secret()
[docs] @staticmethod def encrypt( secret_key: secret, plaintext: Union[plain, bytes, bytearray], noncetext: Optional[nonce] = None ) -> cipher: """ Encrypt a plaintext (a bytes-like object) using the supplied :obj:`secret` key (and an optional :obj:`nonce`, if applicable). >>> m = plain(bytes([1, 2, 3])) >>> s = symmetric.secret() >>> c = symmetric.encrypt(s, m) >>> m == symmetric.decrypt(s, c) True All parameters supplied to this method must have appropriate types. >>> c = symmetric.encrypt(bytes([0, 0, 0]), m) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: can only encrypt using a symmetric secret key >>> c = symmetric.encrypt(s, 'abc') Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: can only encrypt a plaintext object or bytes-like object >>> c = symmetric.encrypt(s, m, bytes([0, 0, 0])) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: nonce parameter must be a nonce object """ if not isinstance(secret_key, secret): raise TypeError('can only encrypt using a symmetric secret key') if not isinstance(plaintext, (plain, bytes, bytearray)): raise TypeError('can only encrypt a plaintext object or bytes-like object') if len(plaintext) > crypto_secretbox_MESSAGEBYTES_MAX: raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover 'message length can be at most ' + str(crypto_secretbox_MESSAGEBYTES_MAX) + ' bytes' ) if noncetext is None: noncetext = nonce() elif not isinstance(noncetext, nonce): raise TypeError('nonce parameter must be a nonce object') padded_plaintext = (b'\x00' * crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES) + plaintext ciphertext ='unsigned char[]', len(padded_plaintext)) if _sodium.lib.crypto_secretbox( ciphertext, padded_plaintext, len(padded_plaintext), noncetext, secret_key ) != 0: raise RuntimeError('libsodium error during encryption') # pragma: no cover return cipher( noncetext + _sodium.ffi.buffer( ciphertext, len(padded_plaintext) )[crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES:] )
[docs] @staticmethod def decrypt(secret_key: secret, ciphertext: cipher) -> plain: """ Decrypt a ciphertext (an instance of :obj:`cipher`) using the supplied :obj:`secret` key. >>> m = plain(bytes([1, 2, 3])) >>> s = symmetric.secret() >>> c = symmetric.encrypt(s, m) >>> m == symmetric.decrypt(s, c) True All parameters supplied to this method must have appropriate types. >>> c = symmetric.decrypt(bytes([0, 0, 0]), m) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: can only decrypt using a symmetric secret key >>> c = symmetric.decrypt(s, 'abc') Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: can only decrypt a ciphertext >>> symmetric.decrypt(s, cipher(c + bytes([0, 0, 0]))) Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError: ciphertext failed verification """ if not isinstance(secret_key, secret): raise TypeError('can only decrypt using a symmetric secret key') if not isinstance(ciphertext, cipher): raise TypeError('can only decrypt a ciphertext') padded_ciphertext = ( (b'\x00' * crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES) + ciphertext[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES:] ) plaintext ='unsigned char[]', len(padded_ciphertext)) if _sodium.lib.crypto_secretbox_open( plaintext, padded_ciphertext, len(padded_ciphertext), ciphertext[:crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES], secret_key ) != 0: raise RuntimeError('ciphertext failed verification') return plain( _sodium.ffi.buffer(plaintext, len(padded_ciphertext)) \ [crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES:] )
[docs]class asymmetric: """ Asymmetric (*i.e.*, public-key) encryption/decryption primitives. This class encapsulates only static methods and should not be instantiated. >>> x = 'abc'.encode() >>> s = asymmetric.secret() >>> isinstance(s, key) and isinstance(s, secret) True >>> p = asymmetric.public(s) >>> isinstance(p, key) and isinstance(p, public) True >>> p == public.from_base64(p.to_base64()) True >>> c = asymmetric.encrypt(p, x) >>> asymmetric.decrypt(s, c) == x True """
[docs] @staticmethod def secret() -> secret: """ Generate a :obj:`secret` key. >>> s = symmetric.secret() >>> isinstance(s, key) and isinstance(s, secret) True """ return secret()
[docs] @staticmethod def public(secret_key: secret) -> public: """ Generate a :obj:`public` key using a :obj:`secret` key. >>> s = asymmetric.secret() >>> p = asymmetric.public(s) >>> isinstance(p, key) and isinstance(p, public) True """ q ='unsigned char[]', _sodium.lib.crypto_scalarmult_bytes()) if _sodium.lib.crypto_scalarmult_base(q, secret_key) != 0: raise RuntimeError('libsodium error during decryption') # pragma: no cover return public( _sodium.ffi.buffer(q, _sodium.lib.crypto_scalarmult_scalarbytes())[:] )
[docs] @staticmethod def encrypt(public_key: public, plaintext: Union[plain, bytes, bytearray]) -> cipher: """ Encrypt a plaintext (any bytes-like object) using the supplied :obj:`public` key. >>> m = plain(bytes([1, 2, 3])) >>> s = asymmetric.secret() >>> p = asymmetric.public(s) >>> c = asymmetric.encrypt(p, m) >>> m == asymmetric.decrypt(s, c) True All parameters supplied to this method must have appropriate types. >>> c = asymmetric.encrypt(s, m) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: can only encrypt using a public key >>> c = asymmetric.encrypt(p, 'abc') Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: can only encrypt a plaintext object or bytes-like object """ if not isinstance(public_key, public): raise TypeError('can only encrypt using a public key') if not isinstance(plaintext, (plain, bytes, bytearray)): raise TypeError('can only encrypt a plaintext object or bytes-like object') plaintext_length = len(plaintext) ciphertext_length = crypto_box_SEALBYTES + plaintext_length ciphertext ='unsigned char[]', ciphertext_length) if _sodium.lib.crypto_box_seal( ciphertext, plaintext, plaintext_length, public_key ) != 0: raise RuntimeError('libsodium error during encryption') # pragma: no cover return cipher(_sodium.ffi.buffer(ciphertext, ciphertext_length)[:])
[docs] @staticmethod def decrypt(secret_key: secret, ciphertext: cipher) -> plain: """ Decrypt a ciphertext (an instance of :obj:`cipher`) using the supplied :obj:`secret` key. >>> m = plain(bytes([1, 2, 3])) >>> s = asymmetric.secret() >>> p = asymmetric.public(s) >>> c = asymmetric.encrypt(p, m) >>> m == asymmetric.decrypt(s, c) True All parameters supplied to this method must have appropriate types. >>> c = asymmetric.decrypt(p, m) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: can only decrypt using an asymmetric secret key >>> c = asymmetric.decrypt(s, 'abc') Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: can only decrypt a ciphertext >>> try: ... asymmetric.decrypt(s, cipher(bytes([0]))) ... except ValueError as e: ... length = crypto_box_SEALBYTES ... str(e) == 'asymmetric ciphertext must have at least ' + str(length) + ' bytes' True """ if not isinstance(secret_key, secret): raise TypeError('can only decrypt using an asymmetric secret key') if not isinstance(ciphertext, cipher): raise TypeError('can only decrypt a ciphertext') q ='unsigned char[]', _sodium.lib.crypto_scalarmult_bytes()) if _sodium.lib.crypto_scalarmult_base(q, secret_key) != 0: raise RuntimeError('libsodium error during decryption') # pragma: no cover public_key = public( _sodium.ffi.buffer(q, _sodium.lib.crypto_scalarmult_scalarbytes())[:] ) ciphertext_length = len(ciphertext) if not ciphertext_length >= crypto_box_SEALBYTES: raise ValueError( 'asymmetric ciphertext must have at least ' + str(crypto_box_SEALBYTES) + ' bytes' ) plaintext_length = ciphertext_length - crypto_box_SEALBYTES plaintext ='unsigned char[]', max(1, plaintext_length)) if _sodium.lib.crypto_box_seal_open( plaintext, ciphertext, ciphertext_length, public_key, secret_key ) != 0: raise RuntimeError('libsodium error during decryption') # pragma: no cover return plain(_sodium.ffi.buffer(plaintext, plaintext_length)[:])
# Initializes sodium, picking the best implementations available for this # machine. def _sodium_init(): if _sodium.lib.sodium_init() == -1: raise RuntimeError('libsodium error during initialization') # pragma: no cover _sodium.ffi.init_once(_sodium_init, 'libsodium') if __name__ == '__main__': doctest.testmod() # pragma: no cover